Some Drugs Can Cause Diabetes

Some Drugs Can Cause Diabetes

Always Administer Steroids Responsibly


Advances in science and new drugs are often a mixed blessing.  They have enabled us to cure many previously deadly diseases.  But when drugs are abused, over-prescribed or administered over long periods of time they can do harm.

Steroids and Insulin Resistance

Steroids are a family of modern "miracle drugs" that are often prescribed to treat immunity related issues in pets.  But when they are used for an extended period of time, even "miracle drugs" can cause negative side effects.  A common side effect of long-term steroid use in dogs and cats is increased insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.  


Before you give any drug to your pet, research and consider the potential side effects and understand the risks involved.  Sometimes, you can avoid using drugs altogether by improving their immunity naturally - through lifestyle changes, dietary discipline and careful administration of natural supplements.  Drugs should be a last resort, not a first resort.

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