AromaDog Cough Drop (4 oz)


AromaDog Cough Drop (4 oz)


CoughDrop makes your dog more comfortable.  It is a vet recommended all natural cough suppressant

It is an all NATURAL cough suppressant that calms and soothes a hacking, wheezing cough, opens up breathing passages, kills airborne bacteria, viruses, and stimulates the immune system.

The powerful blend of eucalyptus radiata, spike lavender, and ravensara is ANTIVIRAL, ANTIBACTERIAL, ANTITUSSIVE, ANTIHISTAMINE, AND ANTICATARRHA.

It is very balsamic, soothing to the chest and has a quick acting response time.

You will be amazed how much better your pup will feel in such a short time.


Made in USA
此日期前最佳/ Best Before: 4 年/years


  • Shake Well before Use.
  • Mist air surrounding your pet allowing to breath in.
  • Apply every 3 hours until cough subsides.


Ravensara, Eucalyptus, Radiata, Spike Lavender and other essential oils


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I tried it last night when my princess was coughing and sneezing. Appears it works on her :)

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我的老狗狗已有一段時間有咳嗽和呼吸問,並已採用藥物來抑制他的咳嗽. 大約5個星期前,我開始嘗試 Cough Drop,,令人驚訝他的咳嗽少了(約少了2/3) 而不再需要咳嗽抑制藥物. 我很高興!